Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall's splendor and Louisiana Friendship

October brings stunning sunrises over the GateWay, and the colors of Fall
dress our area from the skies to the the earth! God is good!
 Early October begins bow season in the area, and with it came some new friends from Louisiana!
 I'm truly believing that God sets up divine appointments in these cottages, and this family is evidence of that fact for me!

What a happy time they shared (after the bugs who wanted to join their time were bombed!!).

 Fall brings the monarch migration, and even though the majority of the butterflies had gone, our guests still got the joy of seeing the final flurry flutter through our butterfly bushes.
 The full moon of October graced their stay as well..... almost magical in it's clear glow over the landscape. 
Thank you friends for allowing us to post some of your pictures... but more than that... thank you for sharing a bit of your hearts as we got to know you and be convinced that this time was meant to be!

Long HOT summer of 2011

After an incredibly HOT recordbreaking summer of 2011 it was awesome in September to see CLOUDS
promising rain!!

 They held true to the promise and in ONE DOWNPOUR... all our tanks which had gone completely dry were filled
 We had been filling tubs with water to make sure our deer and the jack rabbits had water as ours was the closest place. Even bobcats were using the little green tub we filled daily in front of the one bedroom cottage.
 Although we couldn't keep the grass green, the golden natural grasses will for sure come back next spring.
 We had 114 days of 100+ temps here in our little Lemons Gap home. LORD please let this never be repeated in our area. The drought was hard on everything!
As we go into the Fall, we look forward to the KISS of the cool breezes and the promises of rain. May each of us be aware always that water and rain are two treasures that ONLY come from the Maker of Heaven and Earth... We give thanks!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring at the GateWay 2011 means rainbows and redbuds!

 As the Winter retreats, the redbuds bring in Spring!

 The GateWay into Abilene and BG... may appear in the misty distance, but our guest will always find CLARITY as they enjoy the peace and calm of the cottages!
 We love the notes our "friends" leave us... it confirms our hearts as to the purpose of our places.
 God's promises are timeless and we feel His touch over this entire place we get to call.....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st annual Lemons Gap Road Neighbor Gathering November 20, 2010

1st Annual Lemons Gap Road Neighbor Gathering was a HUGE success!
We were getting so many new neighbors that we all wanted to know who was who
on Lemons Gap Road.
Hence... a face to face gathering on November 20, 2010.

Everyone brought their favorite cookies and the recipe... but more,
everyone brought open hearts and friendly faces... ready to see the folks with whom we'd be spending the next few years sharing boundaries.
Of the 20 families in attendance, I'd say there were probably 30 children 10 years and younger...
I think the LORD has a future for this special place in the middle of Texas.
I know when we moved here, the wheat fields were ripe... I'd never seen a wheat field that close... and at that time, after we set the cross on the hill... we knew...
This place is blessed and ready for the things that the LORD has in mind.
I told the folks...
I've been praying for you!
Indeed I think that folks long before me have prayed this little valley into the place it is today.
I like you folks!
You are good neighbors and....
the recipes, smiles, and good wishes will be put to good use.
We will do it again real soon!
Happy Holidays friends!

Fall, Friends, Armadillos and fire on the hillside. Early November 2010

Friends leave great words for all to share.... Thanks Howells!
The hillside changes her colors... beautifully!
visitors come in all sizes and shapes... even this cute little four legged guy.
We love the show our hillside puts on in Early November, 2010.
Welcome friends.... and new friends!