October brings stunning sunrises over the GateWay, and the colors of Fall
dress our area from the skies to the the earth! God is good!
Early October begins bow season in the area, and with it came some new friends from Louisiana!
I'm truly believing that God sets up divine appointments in these cottages, and this family is evidence of that fact for me!
What a happy time they shared (after the bugs who wanted to join their time were bombed!!).
Fall brings the monarch migration, and even though the majority of the butterflies had gone, our guests still got the joy of seeing the final flurry flutter through our butterfly bushes.
The full moon of October graced their stay as well..... almost magical in it's clear glow over the landscape.
Thank you friends for allowing us to post some of your pictures... but more than that... thank you for sharing a bit of your hearts as we got to know you and be convinced that this time was meant to be!