Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blue November skies and a great visit from the Garner family!

November is warmer than usual this year with temperatures of 80 degrees in the day and cooling to an incredibly comfortable sleeping temp of the 50s... lovely!
Fall on the porches is exactly what a cozy evening should be... rocking and waiting for the millions of stars to peep out one by one!

We haven't had as many honeymooners or anniversary celebrants as in the past, but oh my goodness...
We have had families! and parties! and hayrides of happy people and gracious friends...
We welcomed the Garners into our homes once again this past weekend
and we'll be looking forward to a return visit!
Perfect picture of two wonderful guys by the "laugh" sign!
We pray particular blessings of joy, love and peace over each of you as you return home, and hope you will always know...
You make our hearts happy!
We will look forward to a return visit not so long into the future!
*thank you Julie for sending us your pics, we love them!*

Monday, October 20, 2008

Early Fall and a 10 year Reunion

As we prepared for precious guests attending the 10 year reunion of our youngest daughter, the air was filled with the cooling crisp breezes that lighten our hearts this time of year.

We have just added a new print from prophetic artist, Jennifer Jones, a local resident and dear sister in more than one way. This particular one is called "the Day of the LORD"... powerful. To see more or learn of her work, check out her artist's blog at
Although the nights are cool, we have not yet used the fireplaces...
(but it's been tempting!!)
The cotton in the fields at the base of our hills are about ready for harvest. Soon we'll be seeing the crop dusters preparing the fields for harvest. It will look like a fluffy white blanket from the cottages just south of this field.
We love the seasons of our Lemons Gap home.... each one brings it's own brand of refreshment as is the intent of endings and beginnings. Blessings over you and yours as the holidays approach.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's not what you may think! or plan! or design!

It's begun again....
After my tears, my prayers and my disappointment,
work has started again by the only one capable of completion!
It was 2 years ago when the idea sprung into my head about a SMALL shelter in a place where already there had been engagements, commitments, and covenants made. It was a place that just made one stop and remember that there is much more important in this world than that which we can see with our eyes.
Other things had taken precedent for the one who held the plans for this place. As I'd said, all I could know was a small place... round, with an open top... 3 entrances... and a fire in the center... maybe like our native American tepees in design. I presented the idea to a man who is more an artist than a mason... although he certainly is both., and I said... pray about it and let God tell you what it is to be.... he did,
and HE DID!!!
but that said.... when the work was left for over a year, no one would even attempt to finish what only the one with the vision could see (that is what true Master pieces are isn't it?)... it was not simply a small enclosed area for shelter in prayer... it was more, and it had been born in the heart of the artist to whom the vision was finalized...
so I waited... and waited and waited, even trying my own ways of completion
to no avail.... BUT

2 weeks ago.... he returned.... and again, I am amazed at the artistry of a man with a vision beyond himself...

He told me as he started this place....
"carla, this really isn't about you and what you thought, you know that don't you?"
"well, if I didn't then,.... I surely do now!"
so I'm thinking.... how interesting it will be to see who will be led to this place,
off the map, and without direction.
I know it will be found, but I am praying that as it is, those who see it will know exactly how to handle what the "see"....
I am blessed and I am humbled...
I am amazed, and right now..... I am excited!!!!
When left to the creative genius of the ONE WHO defined the WORD,
some small thing becomes something much more, and as such, is no longer ours,
but just like everything else... it's HIS stuff that matters!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Wildflowers in Fall.. Deer in Velvet

The deer are regularly frequenting our cottages... especially down this fence line that was planted with chicory and other plants highly attractive and healthy for browsers and the occasional bovine wanting a bit more smorgasbord dining.
purple thistle
red flax bloomed again after the recent rains

these little natives are called "chocolate flowers"... YES, they smell just like chocolate... they are often confused with a similar yellow flower with green centers ... appropriated named, little green eyes...
Fall here at the GateWay is just as inspiring as any other season; and surprisingly just about as abundant in native wildflowers and wildlife
Farmers are saying... "we're looking for a real Winter this year"... yep, the Almanac tends to agree... we'll see!

Labor Day 2008 at the GateWay

The foreground certainly competes with the background view... What a lovely family this one is!

The salvia and lavender certainly are outdoing themselves this Fall! Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds are most appreciative of the gift.
Texas Longhorns have "painted" the Texas landscape for years.... why not here?
.... and the chapel..... is again in progress! Yeah Hobbe and sons! I am ecstatic!!!!! and blessed beyond words.
Thank you D. Latham for your contribution of the previous pictures from your family's sweet visit with us on a wonderfully cool Labor Day weekend. (Hurricane Gustav left fresh breezes in our little valley... we loved it!)
*note to the Lowe fam.... Mr. Mouse had no relatives visit, and we are thankful that they only make an entrance at your bequest;)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hope springs eternal even in summer heat

Our 2 bedroom cottage plays host to some of our FAVORITE guests.... the ones with delightful children who love and respect the nature of the area. These two are absolutely adorable!
This is also a picture of our last weekend visitors. Sometimes you people see things that even I haven't seen or noticed in a while. Thank you!
Even in the dog days of summer heat... there are surprisingly lovely and peaceful things available to us here at the GATEWAY. We love having pictures from our visitors!

Monday, July 14, 2008

VIDEOS of the cottages........................... be patient, it is my first try at this!

Through the wheat gold door of the 1 bedroom cottage, you will find a restful setting in the soft

hues of sky blue and sage green.

Peace will be the word that encompasses your senses as you ascend the steps to the covered front porches of this little cottage on our hillside.

As you enter the fox red door of the 2 bedroom cottage, you will find much the same feel as it's sister cottage. The cares of the world will drop off as you open the little side gate into the the fenced yard with a naturalized landscape. The living area of this cottage is done in caramel and rust with sage as the accent hue.

The green bedroom offers the same incredible night's sleep as all our bedrooms here at the GateWay. You'll fall asleep quickly under silky soft sheets, or simply sit in the leather chair watching the wildlife just outside the large windows of the room.

The red bedroom has windows all around the beautiful old fashioned bed. It has a reading

chair as well so that you can relax in the comfort of

your own space even if the rest of your party prefers gathering and sharing hearts.

I pray that as you view these videos you get a glimpse of what I see. We'd love for you to experience this place first hand, but if you are like myself, having a bit of prior knowledge of my accommodations is a real plus to my booking that place.


and know that you are seeing places where divine appointments have been arranged by bookings bigger than those we could make!

Blessings over you and yours this day, July 2008!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stay on the right side of the Cross! Summer '08 pictures and videos

As you drive up our country road you will see the cross to your left...
we tell everyone... "stay on the right side of the cross"
(good advice in the physical as well as the spiritual!)
Outside the porch fence of the 2 bedroom is our fragrant long blooming lavendar... as well as "words" everywhere....some are hidden, some are not... but all have significance in our lives and we hope for yours as well.
The back bedroom of the 2 bedroom cottage is our red room. Although the color is vibrant, the room exudes comfort and solace.
The front bedroom of the 2 bedroom cottage is a soft sage green and offers views from 2 sets of windows onto the meadow below the area and up the hillside from where the deer daily emerge.
Our gardens are filled with xeric plants like salvia, buddelia (dark knight), and cosmos,that attract hummingbirds and butterflies for these lazy warm summer afternoons.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

July at the GateWay, Lavendar...butterflies...and blue skies!

July is bringing really warm weather here in the GateWay.
our porches still welcome our special friends and family to the cool breezes of the hillside!
TR even wrote his own special 3 year old's greeting to you all!
July may not be the time for our hot cocoa, but the special teas and my wonderful personal coffee mix is still available each morning for your enjoyment (and mine!!!).
The fireplaces are certainly not in use, but the big fans and the great location keep our places cool and comfortable. Even in the 100 degree heat, we have had evenings when we could keep the windows open, AC off, and let the evening breezes give their gentle cooling over our bodies and souls as only this natural AC can do!
The birds are everywhere!
We don't have to keep the feeders filled as there is such an abundance of native seeds and feeds for our feathered friends.
Right here from beside your bed, you can watch the antics of the blue jays, dove, kestrel,
and of course the doe with their growing fawns.

Lavender is certainly the plant for this soil and climate! It has done wonderfully... as well as the salvia and rosemary bushes covering the west side of our cottages. The butterflies make frequent stops to test the sweet purple blossoms.

We've been blessed with a bit of rain here recently, so the grilling is not such a concern.
Our guests are always careful, but we have to be aware here in Texas that
sparks can start all the local crops ablaze should we not be careful conservationists.

Miracles do happen.... and here at the GateWay,

we've been allowed to be part of more than a few.

We like the addition of the old split rail fences. They do nothing to keep the critters out,

but the certainly do much for me in the way of the aesthetics of our spaces out here

in this pretty area of Texas.

Yes, we agree.... as well as testify... God is good.

We welcome you anytime, and better yet....

we welcome you BACK again and again!
Be blessed good friends.... and those destined to become such!

Friday, May 23, 2008

fossil hunt '08

This spring once again brought our special elementary group from Lawn to our little "mountain". They sent us wonderful pictures of each one of them holding a fossil they'd found. We so appreciate the fact that they "find" the fossils and then replace them for the next year's "paleontologists" to "find". What good conservation skills these teachers are teaching! Thank you for taking care of our place like it were your place....
I suppose, in all reality, it's neither ours or yours, but only the ONE WHO owns everything, right?
anyway... we love you guys and appreciate your consideration!
Lunch at the "dig site".
Things have changed regularly since we first put out these postcards... soon there will even be running water that we don't have to HAUL!!!! yeah Steamboat!
One thing that will never change.... is the "peace" prayed over this place... and the fact that the WAY in our GateWay is only His!

Our guests are friends we have yet to meet.

Our guests are the BEST.... we have had such honorable and precious friends (I call all of them friends as we feel that way after they leave as well as in our initial visits). Some people say "why would you let people stay at something that you've put so much of yourselves into?".....
my response: "the people the LORD has led to our cottages are people who treat our place as if it were theirs. They feel the 'peace' that has been prayed over these places, and they not only take from that storehouse, they leave pieces of themselves making our special place more complete by their being here."
Below are some pictures taken by a couple our our guests. (sorry I could not manage to get the first 4 to embed, so you will need to click to see... the next ones were easier with my limited tech knowledge). I do have their permission to place them here for your perusal and enjoyment of their time here.
Thanks Peter and Molly!

Happy anniversary Chris and Jennifer!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spring 08 is FULL!!!

We will be trying to add Feedjit into this blog asap. To those of you who have recently visited... WOW... it has been a wonderful spring at the cottages.
Fossil hunts,
birthday parties for foreign exchange students (many wonderful nationalities present!)
Wine Festivals
Folk Festivals and
even Flea markets!
check out our local activities at the above site....
will be posting more pics soon!
God bless y'all lots!

Friday, January 25, 2008

wildflowers and chapel hands

As the Spring rains subside, all kinds of wildflowers begin to blossom.
The sweet unmistakeable smell of the purple verbena wafts across the hillsides.

... and the chapel work move along... the keyhole entries look like the shape of praying hands, and if you are over 5 ft tall, you must bow to enter.
The old red oaks who possessed this place long before we did, echo the shape of the entries... beautiful!
The dainty flowers of summer dance across the hillsides in waves of color beginning with the blues, moving to the yellows and purples, and then the raucous cocophany of all the colors finalizing the show.
Isn't it neat how the hands of the artist are seen quite clearly in the his creation? These will be the bowls that will carry the light for the chapel. Hobbe you are absolutely visionary! I thank God for your gifts!