Monday, October 20, 2008

Early Fall and a 10 year Reunion

As we prepared for precious guests attending the 10 year reunion of our youngest daughter, the air was filled with the cooling crisp breezes that lighten our hearts this time of year.

We have just added a new print from prophetic artist, Jennifer Jones, a local resident and dear sister in more than one way. This particular one is called "the Day of the LORD"... powerful. To see more or learn of her work, check out her artist's blog at
Although the nights are cool, we have not yet used the fireplaces...
(but it's been tempting!!)
The cotton in the fields at the base of our hills are about ready for harvest. Soon we'll be seeing the crop dusters preparing the fields for harvest. It will look like a fluffy white blanket from the cottages just south of this field.
We love the seasons of our Lemons Gap home.... each one brings it's own brand of refreshment as is the intent of endings and beginnings. Blessings over you and yours as the holidays approach.


Emily Suzanne said...

We had SUCH a fun time at your cottages! They were incredibly peaceful for us and we're so honored to be able to stay in them!
It was absolutely, positively one of the best places I've stayed :)
I could actually relax and sleep as if I was in my own bed... and I'm picky!
Our family enjoyed it immensely!

Diana Latham said...

The cottages look beautiful for Fall. You are sooo amazing with the little details...thanks for sharing your beautiful heart in those details.