Sunday, December 23, 2012

What a year this 2012 has been! 
 We hope each of you has had the opportunity to enter His gates with thanksgiving and that tragedy has been far from your home even as we grieve for the homes struck so senselessly these past weeks!
 As the storm clouds rolled over our hillside, we remember the storms that crashed onto our friends in the Northeastern parts of our states. Sandy was a demon wreaking havoc and chaos. Nothing restrained her fury. We continue our prayers for these "neighbors" as we approach Christmas here in the Gap.
 2012 brought elections and we had the JOY of hosting some of the National, State and Local candidates. We know it is only God Who raises up leaders and it is our responsibility to "render to Ceasar what is his and to GOD what is HIS!"
 We love it when our guests sign our book, AND when they leave us such sweet notes of confirmation for our GateWay homes!
 Pampas grasses..... hummm what do I say.... I always called them POMPAS.... somehow there is just something that fits here.... Fiscal cliff???? What in the world???  Regardless... I love the pampas this year!
 Finally... as we embark on a new year 2013, we here in the gap are praying that we all keep in our hearts the fact that there is only ONE GOD and He is not us! whew.... aren't we all glad of that!

 Yes.... let's enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with song... 
May you know the blessings of Truth, Health, Peace and Joy!

May we see the circumstances of the world as they really are! Through the eyes and perspective of the ONE WHO CREATED ALL THINGS!

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