Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall enters softly as the Welcomed Raindrops

Fall 2013 comes sweetly over our very precious little valley and hillside.
Open your doors to a morning touched by dew and destiny through the eyes of the GateWay.

 The little bur oaks we planted have offered a few acorns this year, and we are in hopes of more next year as they send their roots deep into this porous soil.
 The sunsets on days offering rain are spectacular... Texas skies are incomparable in our view.
 Lantana will always attract the swallowtails just before the monarchs migrate through.
 Cattle in the grassy valley will always be one of our greatest indicators of truth when it comes to storms over the area. Our one little longhorn is glad to have the company of 44 Farm's young heifers for a while before they are all moved to a more lush field across the way.
 Horsemint is one of our favorite end of season beauties. They send their purple spires Heavenward as if royally praising the ONE WHO gives these latter rains always available here from September through October. We do thank the Father from Whom all good and perfect gifts are given.
 The bounty offered here is not only that of a tangible quality... more often than not it is the kind that no amount of money could buy. It is the peace that comes from hearts settled on truth and absolutely sure of the place one holds in the scheme of the universe. The identity of the ONE WHO made all things and called them "good". 

May you know and feel the richness of the season.
May you be blessed as the season of Thanksgiving and Nativity touch your soul with Peace that passes understanding of these often chaotic times in which we are living. The true meaning of "peace" is "the authority to come against the one who creates chaos"... 
May you know that you know that you know.... exactly who you are and what is TRUTH.
Shalom friends and yet to be friends.

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