If you climb to the highest point, you will see the cross that Jason Shea. on his back ,carried up the deer trail the first night we were ever officially "owners" of this piece of property. It was the night before Easter morning '94! As I recall, there were several others who went, but the main weight fell to the shoulders of one young man. Hummmm I believe that event was a blessing over this place and our time on it! From the cottages, you can walk to this HIGH PLACE. What a view you have! I highly recommend the hike!

As the spring progresses, the antlers grow from "buds" into the beginnings of the large racks our beautiful bucks sport into the Fall.

The GateWay if filled on this stormy late Spring afternoon!

God's palette is spectacular in His array of golden sunsets here in the Valley.

not to mention what He does with the winged creatures and the blossoms too!

The redbuds set the hillsides ablaze before they move on to the rich green of summer.

You can sit for a whole day and not get bored. Bring a good book, sunscreen, and an open heart.

Bees and butterflies love the Springs here in Texas. You can hear the trees as well as see them right now!

Our friend, Billy Allbright, is one of our artists who's work is here at the GateWay.

You can see the beginnings of our xeric gardens which, by summer will be oh so beautiful!

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