He is a LION in celebration and Jennifer knew exactly what the Lord was saying as she painted the prophetic image in the huge metal "canvas" of our entrance barn!

The Lion walks with authority through the ripe wheat fields as the Olive Trees blossom amidst an oncoming storm...do you feel the "word"?

That same early Fall Cody and Darrell plow the fields of our new North Pasture, there are intentions beyond our thoughts in that acquisition. AS so much of what happens in this physical world shows us shadows, there is a greater reality to any shadow. May we have ears to hear and eyes to see! This picture is 2 tractors in tandem

This is one tractor, Fall of '06 and new seed coming!

The last week in September of 2006 the monarchs made their yearly migration through our valley with their nightly roosts burgeoning our trees by the tanks and in our yard. An amazing yearly sight for us here in this area of Texas! Our Lord does not inhabit temples made by any human hands! Thank You Father, for Your incredible gift of sight.

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