Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day, Western Heritage, and Graduating Universities.... all this weekend!

Happy Mother's Day Y'all!!!
These beauties are right outside the back bedroom of the 2 bedroom cottage...
don't know how long the weather will hold so they will continue to blossom, but these are
spectacular... just for today I think!
Our guests this week arrived to 105 degree heat!
Thank the LORD for the cool breezes on our porches!
Then, just like Texas, the weather changed bringing a high of 69 for the Saturday of
Western Heritage weekend!
Our entire crew attended again to a sell out crowd!
Yeah for the Clydesdales of Budweiser! Amazingly lovely animals and great Ranch rodeo folks!
We feel so blessed by the miracles we see everyday and even more thankful
for eyes that can see them.... Spring... Yes, we love it here at the GateWay!

I told our new friends from Houston... "we don't do much advertising, but we've found that
the ones who've been led to our cottages are EXACTLY ones that were meant to be there!"
Sure enough, that was the case with this sweet family who'd just enjoyed a daughter's wedding,
and now, through a variety of circumstances engaged our place for a graduation weekend.
I've gotta tell you,
I knew from the moment I saw them... "yep... I'm gonna like 'em"
A hug and a smile later, we were talking Young Life and Bible Study Fellowship...
Just wanna say "thank You Paula.... I am a word person, and I truly appreciated your 'word gift' left on our refrigerator white board! It spoke to me this morning, Mother's day, of not only being who we are called to be, but of ACCEPTING that calling with joy!"
We love all our guests... and this is yet another new friendship led our way by way of the

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